Monday, October 27, 2008

Okay, People...

We need some advice.

Travel system or "snap 'n' go" stroller system OR... no system at all?

It's driving me up the well. I don't know WHY it's making me so crazy, because it's not like it's a decision that has to be made now. I might be projecting all of my anxiety about maybebaby into this one area of baby preparation.

So, until a few weeks ago, I had never even heard of a travel system. For those of you who were like me, a travel system is made up of a car seat that can be put into a large stroller, which seems pretty convenient. We looked at some when we went to Babies R Us, and something that does seem pretty cool is that after the baby gets bigger, you can just put it into the bottom part of the stroller. (You can see this from the picture in the link below.) (Click here)

A snap 'n' go stroller is similar to a travel system; in fact, the only differences that I can see: the stroller is not as heavy as the travel system stroller and as the baby gets bigger, you have to get a separate stroller for it.
(Click here)

Benefit(s) to the travel system: stroller can be used for longer
Benefit(s) to the snap 'n' go system: stroller is a lot lighter and easier to store

Now, I've heard from at least one person on each side, but I feel like I need more recommendations. Reviews online are basically split in half.

So, people, let me know what you think! That includes people with babies and without! Poll your friends! Tell me the stories!

In fact, any other recommendations about must-haves for babies would be helpful. It looks like we might be having a family shower over the holidays, so I'll need to have a WalMart registry by then, and I've sort of hit a wall with it for now. So, any and all suggestions are welcomed!

In other news, most of the nausea has passed and things are going pretty smoothly. I have an appointment at the obgyn in the next two weeks (I guess I should call and figure out when that is -- I'm such a caring mother-to-be that I lost my appointment card), but we won't know what the sex of the baby is until December. GRRRR. I can't imagine waiting until the very end to find out. I'm not that patient, obviously.

Here's to week 15!


Anonymous said...

I would go with light. Even if something is versatile to be useable for a long period, it's not worth it if it's a pain in the butt every single day.

Anonymous said...

We opted for a stroller that had an adapter bar that the carseat could snap onto. My sister-in-law is a big fan of the "travel system," though. I'd suggest test driving a few models at Babies 'R' Us.

As for the other things you need, a friend of mine recently asked for the same advice on her blog! Click over there and have a look at the comments. There's some useful stuff there.

Ellie said...

Wow, thanks, Nichole! The comments were really helpful. I definitely know that a wipe warmer and a bottle warmer are not for me, now. :) That link was great!

And thanks for the input, Brook. :)

Megan said...

Hey Erin,
just wanted to put my two cents/sense... in!
I actual don't use a baby stroller hardly ever when the baby is small. ..too cumbersome imo. I've use a sling to carry them in. (or a snugli) - they take up a lot less space! I wouldn't NOT register for a stroller though. I've never had a travel system before so I can't say yea or nay on them.

Huzzah for baby wearing!!! (just google it and you'll find a lot of info on the 'net)

Oh I have the jelly bean pouch sling from walmart - it's a nice mid-priced one - about $30! there are tons of types of them though!

would write more but I have pick up Charlotte!!

Megan said...

could I use exclamation points more?!!!!?? sorry 'bout that!! lol

Anonymous said...


Joe and I went for a travel system. We've only used the stroller once, so I don't know yet if it was a good call. It handles well, and it's certainly convenient to let the baby sleep in the carseat and just snap the whole kit together. It _is_ heavy, though. I have let Joe load and unload it from the back of the car. I'm sure I can, but it will be a bit of a pain.

Still, it looks good, handles well, feels sturdy, and we're happy with it so far.

We also have a lightweight umbrella stroller for use in a few months, when he's able to hold up his own head regularly. Just an fyi. It wasn't too expensive, and we're solving the weight problem this way.
