Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fat or MaybeBaby?

Okay, for real, I will post the ultrasound pictures later tonight or tomorrow.

So, we went to the closest "metropolitan area" last weekend and I got to get new clothes. Sounds like fun, but when I spend lots of money and get a few new outfits, I usually feel this sense of glee (slightly tinged with guilt). This time, it was all about duty and necessity. We went to Motherhood Maternity, which, overall, was cheaper than I expected. However, when you buy three pairs of pants, two pairs of jeans, some shirts, and a dress (oh, and a coat), it racks up the bill pretty fast.

The experience was positive in a few ways, though --

1. There was someone there who could actually give me advice (other than Ian, who would say things like, "Yeah, that looks good," or "Yes, that makes you look pregnant")
2. There was a fake baby belly you could put on underneath the clothes to see if they would "work for the entire pregnancy"
3. Maternity pants have those awesome panels that are SO INCREDIBLY COMFORTABLE that I may wear them even after I deliver! Dude! I seriously do not know why people don't wear maternity pants all the time. (Okay, at least 80% of the time?)

The fake pregnancy belly was scratchy and confusing, but still fun. I didn't know which way was "up" and the velcro straps were annoying, but I was just excited that I could see what I would look like later on. The verdict? FAT!

I already feel like people are just looking at me, thinking, "That girl could stand to lose a few." I mean, I've read a few pregnancy books, and no one ever talks about worrying that people think you're fat. That must be because I'm stupid, or because everyone else is telling EVERYONE THEY MEET that they're pregnant to avoid the whole issue altogether. But then doesn't it seem like you're one of those bragging pregnant ladies? Even if it's relevant in conversation, it just feels awkward to say, "Yeah, you know I'm pregnant, so blah blah blah." Instead, I just have to hope that people are talking behind my back.

"Erin looks SO FAT now!"
"Oh, didn't you know? She's pregnant!"
"OH.... How far along is she?"
"Just into her second trimester, I think."
"Hmm. Well, it looks like she'd better watch her weight and not gain too much. That can be a real problem."


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