Wednesday, October 22, 2008


The ultrasound technicians first started by showing us a blob. I was like, "Oh boy! It's a baby blob!" (I mean, I said that in my head.) I was actually excited. Then she said, "That's the head." Then she moved around the ultrasound thingamajigger and then said, "Look, now you can see the head and the body," and I was like, "HOLY CRAP! IT LOOKS LIKE A BABY!" (Again, I didn't say exactly that out loud. But it was almost that.) I don't think we were expecting to see a thing that actually looked like a baby. I was actually not even sure that we would see a picture at all; I thought maybe we'd just be trying to hear a heartbeat. (It's not like this stuff is instinctive, you know.)

This is when the ultrasound ladies told me it looked like it would be a girl and I got super excited, even though I knew in my heart of hearts that they couldn't tell this early. They said, "Look, it has its little legs crossed like a lady!" Oh.

This one they said made the baby look like a boy, because he was "lounging" and it looked like he was watching tv with a remote in his hand.

Keep in mind that these ladies kept saying how CUTE it was. Ian and I just kept looking at each other, both of us thinking, "Uh, it's cute for an ALIEN."

Now, this one is ACTUALLY A PICTURE OF AN ALIEN MONKEY BABY! It looks awesome. It's really a top-down view of the head (on the left -- those are the two parts of the brain you can see there) and then its stomach, I guess. Or, you know, it's an alien monkey baby. (You can decide.)


I'd also like to add that when I step back and think about this, it occurs to me that putting up pictures of your uterus online is kind of strange. I mean...I don't know. What do you think?



Abbey said...

Yay! I'm so glad you're blogging about this. These photos are awesome. You're making a person!

Anonymous said...

I second Abbey: Hurray for a blog! I can wait to read more. Congrats, dear. Congrats.

Betsy said...

oh, I am so excited to read this and follow along with you. It's DEFINITELY more fun to read about someone else being pregnant than to be pregnant yourself :)

A few thoughts from me: 1. I wish you were closer so we could share maternity clothes because I have a TON. Of course, I'm not living at my house right now but maybe we can figure out a way...
2. maternity pants are the best!! It was such a shocker to go back to pants you have to actually button and unbutton...
3. I felt exactly the same way you did about being fat. You're supposed to just let all the worry about weight go when you're pregnant but that's really hard. Either I was worrying because I was showing "early" or I was worried because I wasn't getting big enough... Anyways, you could always get one of those "Baby on Board" t-shirts!
4. Your pictures are beautiful. And no, I don't think it's weird to post a picture of your uterus on the internet. You have a beautiful uterus. :)

Gowry said...

Hahaha, You're hilarious! I love that you've made a blog to catalog your experience. I miss hearing the world through Erin's eyes and this should be a good blog to keep up on ;)

I'm so happy for you both.. :) :) :)