Sunday, December 14, 2008

MaybeBaby's Portraits

Picture 1: This shows she doesn't have a penis. I mean, that's what they tell me.

Picture 2: This is a foot. It has toes! (I think it's even the right number.)

Picture 3: This is the face one. The upper left hand corner has the WEIRD CREEPY NON-BABY FACE!

Picture 4: Another of her face.

Picture 5: Hands -- I think she's holding them over her face.

Picture 6: Profile

Picture 7: Legs all crossed! Looks kinda uncomfortable in there, doesn't it?

Picture 8: Another profile

Picture 9: Last one! You can see a nose, people! THAT IS INSIDE ME.


Anonymous said...

I don't see the creepy face...

Ellie said...

I think it lost something in scanning and re-sizing. I will have to show you in person!

Anonymous said...


Not to be a party pooper--I love seeing photos, even in utero--but I thought I'd mention that your full name is visible in these photos. I don't know if you care; I get paranoid about these things. If you don't care, no problem. If you might just crop the top line of text from your photos.


Anonymous said...

So, is there some new warning out there against pregnant women posting on their blogs? Did I miss something?