Sunday, December 14, 2008

MaybeBaby's Portraits

Picture 1: This shows she doesn't have a penis. I mean, that's what they tell me.

Picture 2: This is a foot. It has toes! (I think it's even the right number.)

Picture 3: This is the face one. The upper left hand corner has the WEIRD CREEPY NON-BABY FACE!

Picture 4: Another of her face.

Picture 5: Hands -- I think she's holding them over her face.

Picture 6: Profile

Picture 7: Legs all crossed! Looks kinda uncomfortable in there, doesn't it?

Picture 8: Another profile

Picture 9: Last one! You can see a nose, people! THAT IS INSIDE ME.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

MaybeBaby is a Girl!

I see why people need to study for a while to become ultrasound technicians. I mean, how they can find the things they find is beyond me. It looks like a face! No, a hand! No, a spine!

So, MaybeGirlBaby was moving around lots! I still can't feel her, but she waved to us (well, I'm allowed to be cheesy sometimes, right?) and then said, "You better have a kick-ass name all ready for me when I come out."

There are some cute ultrasound pictures of her crossing her legs and holding her hands up, and one of her little foot (I mean, the lady said it was a foot, and I guess it looks like one if you hold it at the right angle), but the weirdest picture is one that is a closeup of the face. Two things: 1) Her jaw looks exactly like Ian's! and 2) There's her face, but then in the upper left hand corner there's ANOTHER FACE. It's like seeing the Virgin Mary in a pastry, but instead it's seeing a CREEPY WEIRD-ASS FACE IN MY WOMB. WHAT IS IT DOING IN THERE WITH MY BABY?!

A co-worker commented on it and was even trying to tell me it was the baby's face -- I convinced him it wasn't, but then he said, "Ha, twins!" I said, "Twins, yes, if one was normal and the other one was WRONG."

Okay, so I'm pretty sure it's not a real face. I mean, as sure as anyone can be when she's still completely floored by the fact that somehow she managed to get pregnant and is incubating a small human. (Again, I ask you -- who decided it was a good idea to make it possible for me to bear children?) Who knows what's possible?

No, I haven't shown Ian yet. He was there and has seen all the pictures, but I didn't notice the creepy face until today at work.

For those of you wondering about my parents -- I first demanded that they tell me what they thought it would be (I wanted to drag it out a bit more), and my mom said she thought it would be a boy (because there are "so many boys in Ian's family"), and my dad said he had no idea. (I mean, the man couldn't even pick between just two options!) So, I told them it was a girl and they were thrilled. I could see my mom already picking out the lacy white headbands on which we can clip bows so that my hairless child will not be mistaken for a boy! (You know my mom.) My dad informed Ian that, speaking from experience, it is wonderful to raise a girl. Ian said he was counting on that. Ian wanted a girl, so this is all very good. Ian's mom said that she "knew" it would be a girl. She was pretty excited, too. A woman with three sons has a right to get excited about buying baby girl things, I think.

To be honest, though, since I've been sick for over a week now, I had been freaked out that I had hurt the baby or something was wrong with it; I was really nervous that we would go and they wouldn't find a heartbeat. (We were on the verge of purchasing a Walmart baby heartbeat monitor on Saturday night, but the poor reviews stopped us from wasting the money.) I was just so paranoid. So, honestly, as long as they found a heartbeat, it could've been just about anything and I would've been thrilled.

So, here's a link for you:

We'd love to register for these, but Amazon, Walmart, and Babies R Us just don't seem to carry them.....

Ultrasound pictures will go up sometime soon. Gotta get caught up with some other things this week first!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Today's the Day!

Today's when we find out what the baby is: alien or monkey! Okay, old joke. At any rate, it's been difficult to update the blog, as I've been sick the past week or so -- can't take any regular drugs (I'm used to popping DayQuil and NyQuil whenever one of these nasty bugs comes along), so I'm making do. I have all the more respect for people who regularly get along without taking over-the-counter medications.

Anyway, some of you will hear from me via phone (or from Ian, since I still don't have a voice), and some of you will hear via facebook, and some of you will see it on the blog! I promise to post as soon as I can.

Wish us luck! :) We're off to the OB!